Making a really cool design with a power tool is actually easier than carving traditional designs on your Halloween pumpkins. A drill is perfect for making uniform-sized holes to make fun designs.

If you’ve never handled a drill, our stencil will give you lots of practice. The trick is to hold your pumpkin steady, line your drill bit up with the stencil then squeeze the trigger before it ever touches the hole.

Once the bit has gone through the stencil and the pumpkin, don’t release the trigger. Slowly pull the bit completely out then stop drilling and go on to the next. You’ll have the cleanest-looking design ever.

Share your own designs with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #EverydayDishes.

Decorative Drilled Pumpkins Instructions

Decorative Drilled Pumpkins Instructions
  • [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Everyday Dishes & DIY Drilled Pumpkin Template”]drilled pumpkin template[/url]
  • pumpkin
  • double-sided tape
  • drill and 3/16″ drill bit
  • candle
  1. Download the drilled pumpkin template and open in [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Adobe Reader”]Adobe Reader[/url].
  2. We used plastic pumpkins but if you’re using real ones, start by cutting open the top and scraping out the insides.
  3. Print out a few copies of the template according to the size of your pumpkin then tape onto pumpkin.
  4. One by one, drill holes through each template and pumpkin, following the pattern until it’s complete.
  5. Remove templates, insert and light a candle to display your jack-o’-lantern!
If you use artificial pumpkins you don’t have to worry about pulp clinging to your bit. Besides, it’s a lot less messy with virtually no cleanup, and you can bring it out every year on Halloween!