You’ve probably admired those really nice memo boards found in stores. You know—the ones with the richly stained wood, memo clips and nice hardware. There’s only one problem—they’re expensive! So we made our own DIY memo board that looks just like it!

This is an easy craft project that looks store-bought. A birch board and a few different grits of sandpaper will give you the proper finish to stain or paint with your own color choice.

Screwing the clips in place can be a bit tricky so you may need a second pair of hands to help out. Make your own and share a photo with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #EverydayDishes.

This post includes links to purchase items you’ll need from our affiliates.

DIY Memo Board Instructions

DIY Memo Board Instructions
  • birch plywood board (ours was ¼” x 12″ x 24″)
  • 3 [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Clipboard Clips”]clipboard clips[/url] (we used 3″ clips)
  • pencil
  • coarse sanding paper
  • drill and bits
  • fine grit sanding paper
  • tack cloth
  • water based wood stain
  • sponge brush
  • cotton rag
  • sealer (optional)
  • 6 machine screws and nuts (just long enough to fit through the clip and board)
  • duct tape (optional)
  1. Begin by placing the clips where you want them on your board. Using a pencil, mark holes for the clips and for hanging then drill the holes.
  2. Sand corners of board with coarse grit sanding paper to get a rounded edge. This won’t take long—we promise!
  3. Use fine grit sanding paper to sand down edges of the drilled holes and the rest of the board. Continue sanding until you have a smooth surface then wipe the board clean with a tack cloth.
  4. Stain the top and sides of the board then wipe with a cotton rag. Allow it to dry and apply a second coat if desired—we applied just one coat to allow the wood grain to show through. Once dry, apply a sealer if desired.
  5. Attach clips with machine screws and nuts, then hang your board! We used small washers on the front with large sheet metal screws and screwed it directly into the wall, but you could use nails or a piece of twine or ribbon to hang your board—whatever suits you and your style. Enjoy!
When hanging your memo board, be sure to use the correct hardware for your type of wall. Not sure? Consult a salesperson at your local home improvement store.