Making concrete candleholders is a bit messy, so you’ll need to protect your work surface as well as yourself! Wear gloves, an old shirt or apron and a paint mask. This isn’t surgery but you don’t want to inhale concrete powder while mixing it with water.

It doesn’t matter what type of disposable cup you use to make the mold. Paper, plastic or Styrofoam will all peel away easily and leave you with concrete candleholders you can paint to match your décor!

How to make concrete candleholders

how to make concrete candleholders
  • quick-drying cement
  • stir stick
  • 14 oz paper cups, cut to 3″ high
  • 2 oz mini sauce cups
  • tape
  • sandpaper
  • acrylic paint and brush
  • tea lights
  1. Mix cement according to package instructions.
  2. Pour mixture a little more than halfway into each paper cup.
  3. Press mini sauce cup into concrete mixture until it rises to the top of the paper cup. Secure with tape and allow the cement to dry.
  4. Once dry, gently peel off both cups and sand down any rough edges on the concrete.
  5. Paint the inside of each candleholder and allow it to dry. Place candles in the holders then light them up!
There are many brands of quick-drying cement available but not all package instructions are the same, so read yours carefully.

Concrete candleholders

Concrete candleholders