Use this conversion chart to convert liquid measurements and less technical measurements such as a pinch or a splash.

Your mama’s measurements
dash/pinch ⅛ tsp
splash 1-5 drops
scant just barely, slightly less than
heaping filled over the top
level even with top, filled and leveled with a straight edge
glug ¼ cup


Liquid measurements
1 Tbsp ½ fl oz 3 tsp
2 Tbsp 1 fl oz ⅛ cup or 6 tsp
¼ cup 2 fl oz 4 Tbsp
⅓ cup 2 ⅔ fl oz 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp
½ cup 4 fl oz 8 Tbsp
⅔ cup 5 ⅓ fl oz 10 Tbsp + 2 tsp
¾ cup 6 fl oz 12 Tbsp
1 cup 8 fl oz 16 Tbsp
1 pint 16 fl oz 2 cups
1 quart 32 fl oz 2 pints
1 gallon 128 fl oz 4 qts


Click here to download this conversion chart and open in Adobe Reader to print.