Let’s face it, your wedding day’s going to be long and you’ll be on your feet the whole time. Why not ditch the heels and be comfortable with our easy DIY bling sneakers for the bride?

You’ll want a new pair of sneakers for the occasion. Converse sneaks can be ordered online—choose white or a custom color to coordinate with your color scheme.

Dress them up by using lace ribbon for shoelaces. Super glue rhinestone diamond ribbon around the entire length of each shoe for that touch of sparkle, then apply puff paint to write “I Do” on the rubber toes—it’s that easy!

You’ll not only love the look and have a great keepsake, but you’ll enjoy every moment of your special day in comfort.

This post includes links to purchase items you’ll need from our affiliates.

DIY bride sneakers instructions

DIY Bride Sneakers Instructions
  • white sneakers
  • 92″ lace ribbon for shoelaces
  • soft fabric tape measure
  • scissors
  • [url href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005V6HR4K/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B005V6HR4K&linkCode=as2&tag=chery01-20″ target=”_blank” title=”Diamond Ribbon”]rhinestone diamond ribbon[/url]
  • hot glue gun
  • puff paint
  1. Remove standard white shoelaces from your sneakers.
  2. Cut 2 – 46″ pieces of lace ribbon and thread them through eyelets of both shoes.
  3. Measure around entire shoe to determine length needed for rhinestone diamond ribbon (if you don’t have a tape measure, use the shoelace you removed and wrap around entire shoe to determine length).
  4. Cut rhinestone diamond ribbon to length.
  5. Cut only 1 row of rhinestones from width.
  6. Glue small sections of rhinestone ribbon around shoe on upper part of rubber sole.
  7. Use puff paint to write “I DO!” on rubber toe of shoes.
  8. Let dry 1-2 hours.
Still searching for that traditional “something blue” item? Add it to your sneakers and bedazzle your guests!

DIY bride sneakers craft