You’ve made quite a spread for your game day buffet—all you need to do is label each dish for your guests. These easy-to-make football helmet tent cards do double-duty as they carry on the theme of the day.

We provide several helmet colors that can easily be embellished to represent your favorite team. Set beside each corresponding dish, they’re sure to bring that game day spirit to another level for just pennies.

Football helmet tent cards instructions

football helmet tent cards instructions
  • football helmet tent cards printable
  • card stock
  • scissors
  • [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Precision knife”]precision knife[/url]
  • marker
  1. Download the football helmet tent cards printable in [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Football helmet tent card printable”]red[/url], [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Football helmet tent card printable”]yellow[/url], [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Football helmet tent card printable”]green[/url], [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Football helmet tent card printable”]blue[/url] or [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Football helmet tent card printable”]gray[/url] and open in [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Adobe Reader”]Adobe Reader[/url].
  2. Print on card stock and cut out helmet, using scissors. Use a precision knife to cut out the space at the top of the helmet.
  3. Write name of each dish you plan to serve at your party.
  4. Fold where indicated then place next to corresponding plate of food.
The majority of each helmet can be cut out using scissors but you’ll need an X-acto knife to cut around the space at the top.