Our printable letter to Santa is one click away from heading to the North Pole! We’ve even addressed a cute matching envelope with Santa’s actual USPS address to ensure it arrives on time.

Lines are provided to make handwriting more legible for Santa to read. After all, he needs to know just how good your youngster has been! And, when it comes to that wish list, it’ll be pretty easy to check items off.

Printable letter to Santa instructions

printable Santa letter instructions
  • Santa letter and envelope printable
  • white card stock
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • pencil or pen
  • stamps
  1. Download the printable Santa [url href=”https://everydaydishes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/printable-letter-to-santa-cherylstyle-letter.pdf” target=”_blank” title=”Everyday Dishes & DIY Printable Letter to Santa”]letter[/url] and [url href=”https://everydaydishes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/printable-letter-to-santa-cherylstyle-envelope.pdf” target=”_blank” title=”Printable Letter to Santa Envelope”]envelope[/url] and open in [url href=”http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/” target=”_blank” title=”Adobe Reader”]Adobe Reader.[/url]
  2. Print out letter on regular paper then print out envelope on card stock. Cut out, fold and glue where indicated.
  3. Pass out each letter with pens then help the kids craft their letter to jolly St. Nick.
  4. Fold letters, insert into envelopes then seal using a glue stick. Add stamps then send off to the North Pole!
Did you know that letters to Santa must have a complete Alaska address in order to get there? Otherwise, they remain in the postal area from which it was mailed.

Printable letter to Santa for the kids