You’ll want to stick around to provide some adult supervision for this particular craft—Shrinky Dinks do need to be baked for a few minutes.

You can decide whether to print and bake or color your own using two different styles of Shrinky Dinks paper.

If the kids are making jewelry using our fully-colored template, you’ll need a Shrinky Dinks Inkjet pack and inkjet printer to print our Everyday Dishes & DIY Artwork printable.

If the kids just want to trace and color a cute item such as our ice cream cone or mustache, download our Everyday Dishes & DIY Template printable, print on plain paper then use the Shrinky Dinks Crystal Clear pack to trace.

Once a decision has been made as to which template to use, simply cut out the image using scissors, and punch hole(s) for hanging. A key ring gets one hole punched in any top corner, or a necklace gets two holes punched in the top left and right corners—you get the idea.

The templates will print out very large and the kids will love to watch them shrink down to a fraction of their size!

Place cutouts on a parchment-lined baking sheet, colored-side up. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake three to five minutes until cutouts lay flat. Remove from the oven, and then cool 15 seconds.

Twist jump ring open, using needle nose pliers, thread jewelry chain through one hole, hook the chain then pinch to close. Do the same for the other hole(s).

Whether original artwork or simple line drawings to trace and color, the kids will be eager to show off their Shrinky Dink trinkets while you take a bow for providing a way to beat the winter doldrums—at least for one day!

create unique Shrinky Dinks jewelry and accessories with free templates
  • [url href=”″ target=”_blank” title=”Shrinky Dink Ink Jet Pack”]Shrinky Dinks Inkjet pack[/url] (to print out our artwork of colored images) OR
  • [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Shrinky Dinks Crystal Clear Pack”]Shrinky Dinks Crystal Clear pack[/url] (to print out our template to trace and color, or if you want to draw your own artwork)
  • Everyday Dishes & DIY Artwork printable OR Everyday Dishes & DIY Template printable
  • inkjet printer (for Inkjet pack/Artwork printable only)
  • permanent markers (if tracing and coloring)
  • scissors
  • hole punch
  • parchment paper
  • baking sheet
  • needle nose pliers
  • [url href=”″ target=”_blank” title=”Jump Rings”]jump rings[/url], [url href=”″ target=”_blank” title=”Chain”]chain[/url] or key ring
  1. Download our [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Everyday Dishes & DIY Shrinky Dink Colored Artwork”]Everyday Dishes & DIY printable colored artwork[/url], open in [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Adobe Reader”]Adobe Reader[/url] and print on Shrinky Dinks Inkjet pack OR download our [url href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Everyday Dishes & DIY Shrinky Dink Line Drawings Artwork”]Everyday Dishes & DIY printable line drawings artwork[/url], open in Adobe Reader then print on plain paper.
  2. If you’re using the inkjet pack, cut out desired images.
  3. If you’re using the crystal clear pack, trace then cut out desired images and color with permanent markers before baking.
  4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  5. Hole punch image (example: if making a necklace, hole punch on top right and left corners, or if making a keychain create one hole punch on any top corner).
  6. Place cutouts on parchment-lined baking sheet (colored-side up).
  7. Bake 35 minutes until cutouts lay flat.
  8. Remove from oven, cool 15 seconds.
  9. Twist jump ring open with needle nose pliers.
  10. Insert jump ring into first hole and attach chain.
  11. Pinch jump ring closed using pliers.
  12. Repeat steps for other hole(s).
Turn off the TV on the next snow day and have the kids create their own Shrinky Dink jewelry.


create your own Shrinky Dinks jewelry & accessories with our templates & artwork