DIY Animal Baby Shoes
We all know that stimulation is the key to developing a baby’s senses, so we came up with these cute animal baby shoes. If you can sew on a button and a few beads and have a little patience, you’ll have no trouble with this project.
We decked out a pair of ordinary moccasin-type shoes with piglets made of felt. Our free template makes the felt easy to trace, cut and glue but you’ll want to stitch the buttons and beads securely in place. Use a thimble to make the task easier.
Cute as these piglets are, they need to stay on the feet and not in your baby’s mouth. Plan on using these shoes before your little one reaches the ‘grab and go’ stage.
How to make animal baby shoes
How to Make DIY Animal Baby Shoes
- animal baby shoes template
- scissors
- pencil
- felt
- fabric glue
- baby shoes
- needle
- thread (pink and black)
- 2 pink buttons
- 2 black beads
- thimble (optional)
- Download the animal baby shoes template and open in Adobe Reader.
- Print, cut out and trace onto felt. Cut out felt then glue onto shoes, using our photo as a guide. Allow felt to dry.
- Thread needle with pink thread and triple knot the end of the thread. Find the center of the cutout. Starting inside the tongue of the shoe, poke the needle through until it comes out through the top to slide on the button nose. Stitch down through the other hole and back around. Repeat a few times then triple knot on the back to secure. Snip off any excess thread.
- Repeat to attach the beads for the eyes.
Dig into your stash of fabric scraps, buttons and beads so all you need to purchase are the shoes.