Simple, affordable and stunning, these DIY paper cone Christmas trees will be the star of your holiday table. Watch our video and learn how to make paper cone Christmas trees.


paper cone Christmas trees instructions
  • poster board
  • spray mount
  • scissors
  • fabric
  • hot glue gun
  • ribbon, string, garland, feather boa, or your favorite decorative embellishments
  1. Cut fabric to size of poster board (don’t worry if it’s not a perfect fit, the ends will get wrapped up into the cone).
  2. Spray poster board with spray mount and adhere fabric to it.
  3. Start from one corner and roll into a cone shape.
  4. Use a few dots of hot glue to secure the roll.
  5. Cut off the bottom to make level (it’ll be hard, but you can do it!).
  6. Add any accouterments and secure with hot glue.


paper-cone-christmas-tree paper-cone-christmas-tree