Who knew simple hang tags and twine could make a holiday so meaningful? Our free printable Thanksgiving place cards do all that and more!

This DIY is super easy and only takes a few minutes to make. Just download our Everyday Dishes & DIY Thanksgiving place cards printable, type in the names of guests and family members then print on card stock or kraft paper.

Cut out each tag, glue or use double sided tape to attach it to a hang tag. Simply thread twine through the hole, wrap it around both a napkin and silverware then place one on each dinner plate. That’s all there is to it!

Encourage everyone to write down something for which he is thankful—good health, having a job that’s fun, getting a good report card or surviving the trials of a new puppy. You get the idea.

This is also a great way to have new guests not only participate but also feel more comfortable in a situation where most people know each other. Take turns having each person share his thoughts out loud then watch the reaction.

Whether serious or funny, expressions written allow for a reflection of what this holiday truly means. Hang them on small twigs or branches as a unique centerpiece for all to see and read.

When dishes are cleared and the last guest has left, be sure to save the place cards. Add new ones each year as a way to reminisce about Thanksgivings past. You’ll discover this is one holiday that’s not just about the food.

Thanksgiving place cards
  • [url href=”https://everydaydishes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/thanksgiving-printable-place-cards-cherylstyle-cheryls-najafi-printable.pdf” target=”_blank”]Everyday Dishes & DIY Thanksgiving Place Cards Printable[/url]
  • hang tags
  • kraft paper or card stock for printing
  • scissors or X-acto knife
  • tape or glue
  • bakers twine
  1. Download the Everyday Dishes & DIY Thanksgiving Place Cards Printable.
  2. Type in guests’ names using Adobe Reader.
  3. Print on card stock or kraft paper.
  4. Cut out tags.
  5. Tape or glue cutouts to hang tags.
  6. Thread bakers twine through the hole and wrap around napkin and silverware.
  7. Place on plate.
  8. Encourage guests to fill out each card and hang on tree.
Our place cards put the “thanks” back in Thanksgiving, reminding us of why this holiday is so special.

Thanksgiving printable place cards and napkin treatment