Whenever we’re giving out snacks or baked goods for the holidays, we like to add homemade food gift tags to the bag or box because it adds some stylish flair. Friends and family appreciate the personal touch, too.

With just a few materials, the toffee Chex Mix recipe, and a little bit of time, you can make a whole collection of cute and delicious presents. Hand them out to friends, teachers, co-workers, or the mailman…whoever is on your holiday nice list!

There’s really nothing to it.

How to make homemade food gift tags

homemade food gifts tags instructions
  • homemade food gift tags printable
  • card stock
  • baker’s twine
  • small plastic bags
  • toffee Chex mix recipe
  1. Fill small plastic bags with toffee Chex Mix or your own homemade goodies then set aside.
  2. Download the [url href=”https://everydaydishes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/printable-homemade-food-gift-tags-everydaydishes_com.pdf” target=”_blank” title=”Homemade food gift tags printable”]homemade food gift tags printable[/url] and open in [url href=”http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/” target=”_blank” title=”Adobe Reader”]Adobe Reader[/url].
  3. Print and cut out where indicated.
  4. Thread twine through holes then wrap around the plastic bags and tie closed.
Tie it all together with some red and white twine for a festive touch!