There are so many ways to create personalized stationery cards. We used card stock, a needle and some embroidery floss to create ours. The patterns are simple and you can create your own or find a pattern you like and use that! You can add to an existing or store bought card or you can create a design of your own. No matter which route you go, this personalized greeting is guaranteed to make the recipient smile.

This post includes links to purchase items you’ll need from our affiliates.

personalized stationery cards instructions
  • greeting cards or card stock
  • envelopes to fit card size
  • corkboard
  • stitching awl
  • embroidery floss
  • cross-stitch needle
  • scissors
  1. Trim greeting card or card stock and fold to desired size.
  2. Place paper on corkboard.
  3. Use punching awl to pierce design onto card.
  4. Using embroidery floss and cross-stitch needle, sew design through holes (the bigger stitch should be on the outer or visible side of the card).
  5. Knot ends of floss when complete.
This 10-minute project adds such a special touch.

hand-sewn-greeting-cards-stationary personalized stationery cards