If you love wine as much as we do, then you should be able to save enough corks to make a wine cork trivet in no time! If you’re not a wine drinker, no worries, you can pick up a bag of corks at your local craft store.

This craft is an easy and inexpensive way to show off your creative talents while protecting your tabletop at the same time.

This post includes links to purchase items you’ll need from our affiliates.

How to make a wine cork trivet

how to make a wine cork trivet
  • [url href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006BF7BBE/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B006BF7BBE&linkCode=as2&tag=chery01-20&linkId=DMF3KPUIFJNT66PB” target=”_blank” title=”Corks”]corks[/url]
  • razor saw
  • metal file or sandpaper
  • craft paint
  • hot glue gun
  1. Cut corks in half using a razor saw. Sand down cut ends with a metal file or sandpaper.
  2. Paint tops of corks the colors of your choice. Allow them to dry.
  3. To make a hexagon shape, start in the center by gluing a row of 9 corks side by side. Work your way down, decreasing the number of corks in each row by one until there are 4 corks in the final row (see photo). Repeat for the rows on the remaining half of the trivet. Your trivet’s ready for immediate use.
Cutting the corks in half makes them just the right height and you won’t need as many. You can use scissors but a razor saw makes much cleaner cuts and requires less sanding.

Wine cork trivet