Halloween décor can get pricey once you add it all up. That’s why we like to get as creative and handy as possible around the holidays. DIY projects like these pillowcase chair covers are fun, easy and affordable!

Nothing screams “Halloween” quite like a jack-o-lantern, so we thought it’d be a great focal point for this piece. Make just enough to decorate for a spooky-themed party or double-up on the supplies and share the goods with friends.

Make sure to slip on some disposable gloves to keep your hands color-free.

When it comes to decorating your chair covers, it’s all about personal preference and style. Add a decorative bow for a festive fall touch. Or, get kids involved in the creative process and have their special touches shine bright.

Halloween pillowcase chair covers instructions
  • [url href=”https://everydaydishes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/halloween-pillowcase-chair-covers-cherylstyle-printable.pdf” target=”_blank” title=”Everyday Dishes & DIY Pillowcase Chair Covers”]Everyday Dishes & DIY Pillowcase Chair Cover printable[/url]
  • pillowcases (100% cotton)
  • fabric dye
  • stir stick
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • pattern fabric
  • black felt
  • fabric glue
  1. Begin by dyeing your pillowcases orange. Follow instructions on dye package.
  2. When you’ve finished the dyeing process, rinse the pillowcases and allow them to dry.
  3. While the pillowcases are drying, download the [url href=”https://everydaydishes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/halloween-pillowcase-chair-covers-cherylstyle-printable.pdf” target=”_blank” title=”Everyday Dishes & DIY Pillowcase Chair Covers”]Everyday Dishes & DIY Pillowcase Chair Cover Printable[/url] and open in [url href=”http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/” target=”_blank” title=”Adobe Reader”]Adobe Reader[/url].
  4. Print template and cut out jack-o-lantern shapes where indicated. Trace shapes onto fabric then cut out.
  5. Place fabric shapes onto pillowcase to make a jack-o-lantern face then glue in place using fabric glue.
  6. Cut out two pieces of black felt to make pumpkin’s stem. Glue the sides and top together, leaving the bottom open. Spread the bottom apart to form two flaps.
  7. Center the stem at the top of the pillowcase and glue each flap to either side of the case.
  8. Once glue has dried, place pillowcase over chair back and add decorative bows. Guaranteed to set the Halloween mood in any room!
No scrap fabric? Use black or yellow dye on old t-shirt then cut out the shapes you need to make your Jack-o-lantern’s face.

DIY Halloween pillowcase chair covers