Search Results
Your search for "salmon" returned 43 results:
We have so many delicious salmon recipes on the site, and we have a new favorite! This salmon with creamy white wine sauce is...
If you’re looking for easy high protein meals for weight loss, salmon is an ideal ingredient to start with. It cooks quickly, is full...
This BBQ Salmon Chopped Salad has all the best flavors of summer, in the form of a healthy (yet still filling) salad. BBQ sauce...
If you’re looking for a fresh take on your casserole night, this salmon mac and cheese recipe might provide just the change you’ve been...
Ceviche is one of those refreshing dishes that is so perfect for when the weather starts warming up. Brace yourselves because we have made...
Pecan-crusted honey mustard salmon makes for a fast and easy preparation and an elegant presentation!
These baked salmon cakes are breaded in panko, healthy and taste amazing, too! Follow our instructions for poaching or use canned salmon as a...
Tired of the same 'ole fish recipes? Pesto will spice up this super easy summer recipe sure to have your kids screaming for more.
You won’t believe how easy it is to make this grilled salmon with Asiago pesto.
Fact: Everything tastes better with sriracha and our sweet and spicy sriracha salmon is no exception!
This simple recipe for basil Parmesan roasted salmon is easy enough to make for one, or serve a crowd!
Our easy pan-seared salmon recipe topped with homemade dill butter is so simple for everyday yet elegant enough for company!