Search Results
Your search for "vegan" returned 127 results:
This vegan green bean casserole will be the star of your holiday meal! It’s so good, everyone at the table will want a taste...
This Peanut Edamame Crunch Salad is a delicious and refreshing vegan salad recipe that’s full of fresh veggies, savory peanuts, and an insanely delicious peanut...
This Balsamic Grilled Tofu is a delicious summer recipe that makes the most of grilling season. We start by marinating the tofu with balsamic...
Tasty Mexican seasonings and flavors come through in every bite of these Black Bean Tostadas paired with a Mango Salsa. A variety of textures...
With a crunchy fried exterior and a soft, cloud like interior, this chickpea quinoa falafel is such a tasty vegan recipe. So much so,...
This Eggplant Parmesan sandwich is an absolutely delicious option for a vegetarian sandwich. It is soft, crunchy, moist; everything you hope for in a...
Holiday dinners can be tough if you’re following a vegan or vegetarian diet. Your friends and family might be used to making a big...
We’re big fans of homemade candy around here. It’s such a great way to enjoy your favorite flavors, without all the extra junk that...
We’re big fans of macro friendly meal prep recipes that are easy, tasty, and healthy. And this Coconut Curry Chicken Meatballs recipe checks all...
It’s no secret that we absolutely love dessert. So it’s very important to us that no matter what diet you’re following, you have a...
It’s pretty cool to see chia seeds work their magic. Just a couple of hours soaked with a liquid and they morph to a...
With a glass of excellent grape-grained wine, a piece of grass-fed beef jerky is an ideal pairing. It might not seem like an obvious...